Public Notice-Public Hearing

The Council of the Village of Hebron has scheduled a Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 5:30 pm in Council Chambers, 934 West Main Street, Hebron OH 43025.


The purpose of this meeting is to discuss a recommendation from the Hebron Planning & Zoning Board for a pre-application and Concept Plan for Planned Residential Development for a 21-acre site located on the north side of E. Main Street across from Kroger.

Public Notice
Records Commission Meeting


The Hebron Village Records Commission will hold their semi-annual meeting at 5:30 PM on Wednesday, May 10, 2023. This meeting will take place at the Municipal Complex, 934 West Main Street, Hebron.


Sealed bids-Municipal Building Cleaning

The Village of Hebron will be accepting bids for Hebron Municipal Complex cleaning services. Specifications may be emailed by request, or picked up Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm at the Hebron Municipal Complex at 934 W. Main Street Hebron, Ohio. Bids need to be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Cleaning Bid”. Bids can be dropped off at the Hebron Municipal Complex during regular business hours. If you prefer to mail your bid, place bid in sealed envelope inside a separate envelope addressed to Village of Hebron, Attn: Deborah Morgan, Interim Village Administrator, 934 W. Main St., Hebron, Ohio 43025. All bids must be received by 10:00am on May 15, 2023, at which time bids will be opened in Council Chambers. Questions may be referred to Christina Furbee at 928-2201. 




2023 Mosquito Spraying

The Village of Hebron is committed to reducing the amount of disease carrying and pestiferous mosquitoes to protect public health and improve the quality of life in our community. As weather permits, the Village of Hebron Public Works Department will begin the 2023 mosquito control program in May and will continue through October. A member of the Public Works Department will be treating for mosquitoes each Wednesday evening, between the hours of 8pm and 12am. As some may note, this is a different time and day than when we have treated in the past. The change is due to the belief that we will have better control for mosquitoes when they are most active, which is shortly after sunset. We may treat more than once a week in specified areas, depending on conditions. We will not treat on evenings with rain, high winds, temperatures below 60 degrees, or in an area where people are outdoors at the time of treating.

The driver will have product information with him. A copy is also on file at the Hebron Municipal Complex for review.

Anyone with respiratory problems should close their windows and remain inside during the time treatments are conducted.

Residents may assist by eliminating standing water in objects around the property. Stagnant water serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.


Cliff Ward Jr.
Village of Hebron
Public Works Superintendent
Licensed ODA Commercial Applicator

Refuse Hauling service in the Village of Hebron

Hebron residents:
As you are aware, the Village of Hebron goes out to bid for refuse hauling service for our Village residents, which keeps rates as low as possible for our citizens and helps maintain our streets by limiting the number of trucks traversing our neighborhoods. Adkins Disposal has been awarded the contract and providing quality care to our residents since 2019. Adkins Disposal was recently acquired by WIN Waste Innovations and we have been in contact with them during this transition. This process is being handled with care and the same representatives will continue to handle customer accounts. This letter has been sent out to our residents. Please feel free to contact them if you have any questions or concerns.

Don’t miss your chance to share your insight!

The second round of public engagement for FRAMEWORK, a collaboration of 15 jurisdictions working together to help shape the future of our community, is taking place through the month of April. 

Please encourage your friends, family and colleagues to visit the following page on the FRAMEWORK website to participate in a mapping exercise.

This engagement tool allows participants an opportunity to identify model character types and areas of opportunity within our county.  

Model Character includes:

·         Places that are working well, reflect well on the community and should be protected/maintained

·         Places that represent good precedents that could be replicated elsewhere

Opportunities for Improvement to Character include:

·         Places that are weak and need to be improved or changed

·         Places at risk or are threatened and need attention

·         Places that have significant untapped opportunity

The American Red Cross needs your help today!

The American Red Cross is currently facing an urgent need for donors and we need 19 more donors to sign up for the drive TODAY at Hebron New Life Methodist Church at 925 W. Main Street, Hebron from 1-6 p.m.

To schedule an appointment please call 1-800-REDCROSS or visit


Please sign up today. Every unit counts!