Sealed bids-Municipal Building Cleaning

The Village of Hebron will be accepting bids for Hebron Municipal Complex cleaning services. Specifications may be emailed by request, or picked up Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm at the Hebron Municipal Complex at 934 W. Main Street Hebron, Ohio. Bids need to be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Cleaning Bid”. Bids can be dropped off at the Hebron Municipal Complex during regular business hours. If you prefer to mail your bid, place bid in sealed envelope inside a separate envelope addressed to Village of Hebron, Attn: Deborah Morgan, Interim Village Administrator, 934 W. Main St., Hebron, Ohio 43025. All bids must be received by 10:00am on May 15, 2023, at which time bids will be opened in Council Chambers. Questions may be referred to Christina Furbee at 928-2201.