Refuse Hauling Bid

The Village of Hebron is seeking bids for a three-year refuse hauling contract. Bid packets may be found here. *Also see Addendum #1 to replace pages 11-12 of the bid packet.

Each bid shall be prepared using the forms provided for that purpose and must be enclosed in a sealed envelope. Bids may be mailed or hand delivered to the Hebron Municipal Complex, Administrative offices, 934 W. Main St., Hebron, Ohio 43025 until 12 p.m. on April 11, 2025. ____________________________________________________________


Sealed Bids for the construction of the VILLAGE OF HEBRON 2025 MISCELLANEOUS ROADWAY AND WATERLINE IMPROVEMENTS will be received by the Village of Hebron in the Offices of the Fiscal Officer at 934 West Main Street, Hebron, Ohio 43025 until Thursday, April 17th, 2025 at 11:00 am local time, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Project consists of WATERLINE REPLACEMENT AND ROADWAY RESURFACING.

The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is: V3 Companies, Ltd. 550 Polaris Parkway, Suite 250, Westerville, OH 43082; Phone (614) 761-1661. Prospective Bidders may examine the Bidding Documents at the Engineer’s Office by appointment only by contacting the project engineer, Mike Crane (

Plans and Bidding Document copies may be viewed at the following On-line Plan Rooms: 

Allied Construction Industries - ACI:
Construction Connect:
Construction News Corporation:
Dodge Data & Analytics:
The Blue Book Building & Construction at:

Contract Documents and Specifications can be obtained in an electronic format only from the Issuing Office at no charge by contacting Tammy Segieth ( 

Bids will be accepted only from Plan Holders of Record. To be a Plan Holder of Record, you must notify the Issuing Office of your intent to bid by contacting Tammy Segieth by phone at 614-761-1661 or email at

Bid Security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders. 

Bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rates on public improvements in Licking County, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Department of Industrial Relations.

The bid form and all line items on the bid form must be completed in full.

No bids shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the opening thereof.

The Village of Hebron reserves the right to accept any bid, reject any or all bids, to waive informalities and make the award in any manner deemed in the best interest of the Village of Hebron.


Fulltime Assistant Superintendent-Public Works Department

The Village of Hebron is seeking an Assistant Superintendent for the Public Works Department.

Applications may found at the bottom of this page and mailed or submitted in person to the Village of Hebron, 934 W. Main Street, Hebron, Ohio 43025. Applications may also be submitted electronically to

The Village of Hebron offers an attractive benefits package including:

Health, Dental, Vision, & Life Insurance, Healthiest You Plan and an Employee Assistance Program.  All of these are paid 100% by the Village of Hebron, depending on which plan option the employee selects.

-Paid Vacation after 1 year of service, 12 paid holidays and sick leave
-Ohio Public Employee Retirement System (OPERS)
-Deferred Compensation (optional)

Application deadline is Friday, April 4th at 12:00pm.

View the full posting and job description HERE

Part-time Laborer-Public Works Department

The Village of Hebron is seeking a part-time General Laborer for the Public Works Department. This is a part-time position, up to 24 hr/week.

Applications may be found at the bottom of this page and mailed or submitted in person to the Village of Hebron, 934 W. Main Street, Hebron, Ohio 43025. Applications may also be submitted electronically to

Position to remain open until filled.

View the full posting and job description HERE ____________________________________________________________

Fulltime Police Officer

The Hebron Police Department is currently accepting applications for full-time police officer. Candidates must be at least 21 years old, possess a valid driver's license, a high school diploma or equivalent and be O.P.O.T.A. certified.

Disqualifiers include but are not limited to: Criminal history, excessive driving record, poor credit history, and excessive employment disciplinary record.

Applications can be obtained at the Police Department or by clicking the link below and scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Completed applications can be dropped off at the station or emailed to

Pay range: $21.66 - $30.43 per hour. (3 year top out)

Benefits include: Free Health, Dental and Vision Insurance, 12 Paid Holidays, Vacation Time, Compensatory Time, Sick Leave, an Annual Physical Fitness Bonus and a free gym membership.

Village of Hebron Job application