The Village of Hebron Council has scheduled a Public Hearing on
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at 5:30 pm in Council Chambers, 934 W. Main Street, Hebron OH 43025

Topic: An application was received for a Zoning Amendment by National Church Residences. The applicant is requesting a re-zone of 3272 Hebron Road from General Commercial to Residential District 5. The request was reviewed by the Hebron Planning & Zoning Board, and they have forwarded their recommendation to Village Council. The recommendation is that the amendment be granted as requested.

Draft Floodplain Map

The previous FEMA-approved flood study performed in the Village was completed nearly 20 years ago and included much information that is now outdated. The updated floodplain mapping will provide the Village with more detailed information to aid in future flood mitigation efforts and protection of properties around the floodplain.

At this time, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has reviewed and preliminarily approved the flood study and revised floodplain mapping and is initiating a public notification period.

A notification was mailed to all property owners that are directly impacted by the revised floodplain mapping, regarding the update and information on opportunities to provide commentary on the updated mapping before it is finalized by FEMA.

For more information on this and any impacts it may have, please review the draft updated flood map at:

This draft map is also available in-person during regular business hours at the Village Municipal Building at 934 W. Main St, Hebron, OH 43205. If you have any questions or concerns about the proposed project or its effect on your property, you may contact the Village of Hebron at 740-928-2261 from 9 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday-Friday. Additionally, the Village will be holding a public meeting for open discussion on the topic in the Village Council Chambers (934 W. Main St, Hebron, OH 43025) at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, February 7th, 2023.