Clerk of Council

The Village Clerk of Council is responsible for public notices, maintaining permanent records of the municipality, preparation of agendas, minutes and legislation, website/social media administration, and various other duties for Village Council. She serves in multiple additional capacities including Assistant to the Village Administrator, Prevailing Wage Coordinator, BWC Safety Program Coordinator, Public Records Manager and Records Commission Secretary.


The Village of Hebron invites and welcomes citizens to attend our public meetings to hear about issues that come before our boards and Council. Village Council is committed to providing a space for the public to voice concerns about village endeavors, and we feel this can best be achieved by allowing time for everyone to speak yet keeping conversations moving forward, staying on track with the meeting agenda, and respecting the time of all who are in attendance.  

 While public meetings are a limited forum for discussion of topics pending before Village Council, at times, citizens may feel lengthier discussion is needed. This can be accomplished by calling or emailing our office, and/or scheduling a time to meet in person to discuss your ideas, questions or concerns.

Following rules set forth by the State of Ohio, our Village Solicitor drafted a new policy for speaking at public meetings. Council reviewed and voted to approve this policy at the August 28, 2024 Council Meeting and these guidelines went into effect immediately following the vote of Council. You can read the new policy in its entirety here. We thank you in advance for your efforts to work together to ensure adequate speaking time for all who attend our meetings.  

View the Village of Hebron Public Records Policy here

This Public Records Request Form may be used to request copies of public records. Please submit in person to Chris Furbee at 934 W. Main Street, or by email to