Canal Park Shelter House
Canal Park Playground
Canal Park
119 W. Cumberland street, hebron, ohio
A beautiful newly developed sidewalk, adorned with lighting and benches, winds from the center of the Village to Canal Park. The park offers a large picnic shelter, a gazebo, a playground, recycling bins, and a walking path connecting to Buckeye Lake. Lighted softball fields, located just across the street, buzz with activity from Spring to Fall each year.
The picnic shelter and gazebo are available for daily rent for birthday parties, family reunions, etc. A completed rental request form must be submitted in person at Village Hall accompanied by a $25 rental fee (+an additional $10 fee for the gazebo, if desired). If proof of residency is submitted at the time of application, this fee is refundable to residents of the Village of Hebron after the date of your event, if all applicable rules are followed. Please contact the Village of Hebron for more information at 740-928-2261.
Evans Park Wetlands
Evans Park Playground
Canal Park Fields
Evans Park
1801 Refugee Road SE, Hebron, Ohio
Evans Park is a wonderful recreation area that features basketball courts, little league fields, baseball field, football, soccer, veterans memorial, a natural wetlands, family picnic and playground area, a jogging/walking trail, and Frisbee golf.
An annual Park Users meeting is held in February each year at the Hebron Municipal Building for interested organized leagues to gather information, discuss issues and recommendations, and submit contracts and required documentation. If you would like more information about the Annual Park Users meeting, please contact the Parks Coordinator.
Parks contacts:
Parks Coordinator Parks Maintenance
Brittany Misner CJ Ward
740-928-9437 740-928-1778
Hebron Cemetery
The Hebron Cemetery is located on East Main Street in Hebron and is maintained by the Public Works Department.
Village of Hebron Cemetery Prices
Single Grave-$900.00
Open/Close Burial-$950.00
Open/Close Cremation-$500
$200 additional cost for open/close on weekends and after hours
Cemetery Contacts:
Cemetery Coordinator Cemetery Maintenance
Deborah Morgan CJ Ward
740-928-9439 740-928-1778