2023 Mosquito Spraying

The Village of Hebron is committed to reducing the amount of disease carrying and pestiferous mosquitoes to protect public health and improve the quality of life in our community. As weather permits, the Village of Hebron Public Works Department will begin the 2023 mosquito control program in May and will continue through October. A member of the Public Works Department will be treating for mosquitoes each Wednesday evening, between the hours of 8pm and 12am. As some may note, this is a different time and day than when we have treated in the past. The change is due to the belief that we will have better control for mosquitoes when they are most active, which is shortly after sunset. We may treat more than once a week in specified areas, depending on conditions. We will not treat on evenings with rain, high winds, temperatures below 60 degrees, or in an area where people are outdoors at the time of treating.

The driver will have product information with him. A copy is also on file at the Hebron Municipal Complex for review.

Anyone with respiratory problems should close their windows and remain inside during the time treatments are conducted.

Residents may assist by eliminating standing water in objects around the property. Stagnant water serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.


Cliff Ward Jr.
Village of Hebron
Public Works Superintendent
Licensed ODA Commercial Applicator