A Letter of Appreciation

The Village received the following note from a happy patron, and we feel it is worth sharing!

Good Morning Ms. Nicodemus!

Hope you're keeping safe and healthy! I wanted to get in touch quickly to let you know how much of a help your planning & zoning page https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.hebronvillage.org%2fzoning&c=E,1,_TNkDrB8gKWTowHUs6lFcRpxmORatoT6EnDon6N8wKTsn0YtDArcC9KpoILKF__omjoGKj36dP4YENpLn7V3Nv0kZD8YH-Br7EET0NNBAF1oRuDB8Z8,&typo=1 has been! I'm running a virtual environmental club for kids, where they do research on animals and nature and bring in questions. I think we're finally getting the hang of it LOL but it's been fun! This week the kids were working on web activities on earth's resources, and one of the girls in the group (Mariah, she's 10!) ended up on your page... she was able to get lots of info and especially had fun learning about stormwater & watersheds! She thought we should let you know that we appreciate it. And with everything going on it feels like a good time for gratitude so I told I'd send her thank you note =) …..

Thank you,

Shana Mendelson