Meet the new Licking County Library Director

Susanne Sacchetti, the new Director of the @LickingCountyLibrary, attended the August 18th Hebron Council Meeting to introduce herself and meet Village Council.

Ms. Sacchetti invites the public to stop by and meet her at LCL's Hebron Branch on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, from 10am- 1pm. She is excited to hear what you love about the library and how the library can build upon its services. 

Susanne Sacchetti.jpg

Sealed Bids

Sealed bids for the construction of the Village of Hebron 2021 Roadway & Waterline Improvements Projects will be received by the Village of Hebron in the Office of the Fiscal Officer at 934 W. Main Street, Hebron OH 43025 until Friday, September 3rd at 11:00am local time, at which time they will be opened and read aloud. The project consists of Extension of Hope Drive Roadway and Waterline Along with Misc. Roadway Improvements for The Village of Hebron.

View the full advertisement here

Public Notice-Public Hearing

The Village of Hebron Planning and Zoning Board has scheduled a Public Hearing on:

Monday, September 13, 2021 at 6:30 pm at 934 West Main Street, Hebron OH 43025

 Topic: An application was received for a variance. The applicant wants to split the parcel at the access drive and that will cause the existing buildings to be less than 20’ from the proposed new property line.  The Property location is 101 – 109 Longbow Court and is zoned General Commercial.

 Linda Nicodemus
Community Development Coordinator


The water boil alert issued back on Monday, August 9, 2021, has been TERMINATED. The subsequent sample analysis confirms the water quality is safe to consume and residents may resume normal water usage activities.

Though it is no longer necessary to boil your water before using, I strongly encourage all customers affected to follow these simple measures below as a precaution:

• Run your water faucets for 3-5 minutes to flush your service connection and interior plumbing.

• Empty and clean your automatic ice makers and water chillers.

• Drain and refill your hot water heater IF the temperature is set below 113 degrees Fahrenheit.

• Run a regeneration cycle on water softeners or other procedures recommended by the manufacturer.

• Flush or replace cartridge filters or other procedures recommended by the manufacturer.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

Thank you,

Jason E. Figgins, Water Superintendent


August 5, 2021


MONDAY AUGUST 9TH, 2021 at 8:00am


Residents in the areas listed below will experience a temporary water service interruption to allow for scheduled water mainline work on AUGUST 9TH, 2021 between the hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm.

·         9th St

·         W. North St. (West of 7th St.)

·         Sunset Rd

Please draw enough water to supply your needs during this period.

When water pressure has been restored, a Boil Water Alert will go into effect until further notice. Precautionary boil water notices are placed into effect when water pressure drops below 20 psi in the main line. This usually occurs during a water main break or a scheduled service interruption for utility repairs. When your area has been placed under a Boil Water Notice, boil tap water at a rolling boil for one (1) minute, or use bottled water, while the Boil Water Alert remains in effect for: drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, and washing dishes.

We will notify you when the Boil Water Alert has been terminated.

Occasionally, some problems occur after the water supply/ pressure has been restored. If your tap water appears discolored, allow water to flow water until it clears. If water is available from most faucets, but won’t flow from a particular one, remove the screen from that faucet and run water. Clean the faucet screen and reinstall it.

I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any concerns regarding the water service interruption, please contact my office at (740) 928-8792 or email


Thank you, in advanced, for your cooperation,

 Jason E. Figgins, Water Superintendent


The water service interruption to allow for waterline valve replacement for customers in the areas of: North St. (West of 7th St.), N. 7th St (North of W. North St), Sunset Rd, N. 9th St (North of W. North St) that was scheduled water mainline work beginning: WEDNESDAY; AUGUST 4TH, 2021 between the hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm. HAS BEEN DELAYED. The rescheduling of the work will be announced when confirmed.